About Us
The Cavalier County Job Development Authority(CCJDA) is the economic development agency for Cavalier County. CCJDA was organized in 1990 and operates according to North Dakota Century Code legislation that defines job development authorities and is under the direction of a 17-member board of directors.
CCJDA is responsible for all development programs and activity, including the Cavalier County Strategic Plan that was written in 2001 as part of Round III of the USDA's Empowerment Zone program. As a result of that application, CCJDA was awarded a designation as a USDA Rural Development "Champion Community."
CCJDA is responsible for all development programs and activity, including the Cavalier County Strategic Plan that was written in 2001 as part of Round III of the USDA's Empowerment Zone program. As a result of that application, CCJDA was awarded a designation as a USDA Rural Development "Champion Community."